Once upon a time there was a little blond girl in Texas. Some time passed and the girl has been living continuously, changing shape and location, as you may expect from a being. Within the posts on this page will be stories outlining experiences she has had, things she has learned and read and things she has created. All of the images present on the site are photographs taken by her, and all artwork was completed by her hand, unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to reach out to her, you can use instagram, where her handle is @flythruthechaos, or leave a comment here.
Cassandra lives in Florida with her husband and two cats named Evilone and Simon.
She taught herself to program in python, make webscrapers, and use tableau to gather and analyze data from various sources. She had many art teachers as a child, but has only recently started painting with soft and oil pastels. She loves wrapping presents, molding small animals out of polymer clay, and providing commentary during movies. This past year she attended three musicals; Rent, Anastasia, and My Fair Lady, and is hoping that her future is full of many more.
She is constantly bored, constantly searching for new ideas, crafts, hobbies, books, birds, projects, perspectives, inspiration, and novelty. No one will listen as long as she can talk, so it’s been spilling over into articles. She describes this website as a mobile, digital scrapbook, and would love to hear that someone enjoyed it.